KIDS Terms & Conditions for Services Purchased by Parents / Carers

These terms may have changed since you last reviewed them

We may make changes to these terms from time to time, the terms which apply to your contract are those in force at the time the contract is made.

Where to find information about us and our products

You can find everything you need to know about us, KIDS, a Company limited by guarantee No: 1346252 Registered Charity Number 275936 Registered office: 249 Birmingham Road, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B72 1EA, and our products on our website before you order. Our VAT number is GB100 1832 81. We also confirm the key information to you in writing after you order as part of the quote process.

When you order or book services from us you are agreeing these terms:

Our site and services are only for users in England

Our site and service is directed to people residing in England. We do not represent that content available on or through our site is appropriate for use or available in other locations at this present time.

We only provide advice and support

Whilst reasonable care and skill is taken in the delivery of services, where the services are to provide guidance and advice, we cannot and do not make decisions on behalf of individuals as to the implementation of that advice and support in respect of their own circumstances. 

We only accept orders or bookings when we’ve checked them

We will contact you to confirm we’ve accepted your order or booking.

We charge you when you order/book

If any different payment plan, or subscriptions are related to the services, the payment plan will be clear at the stage of ordering.

However, for some services we take payment at regular intervals, as explained to you during the order process. If your product is goods (rather than digital content or services), you will own it once we have received payment in full.

We pass on increases in VAT

If VAT becomes applicable or if the rate of VAT changes between your order date and the date we supply the services, we adjust the rate of VAT that you pay, unless you have already paid in full before the change in the rate of VAT takes effect.

We’re not responsible for delays outside our control

If our supply of your services is delayed by an event outside our control, such as illness of an online trainer or other staff member which cannot be covered a short notice or interruption to internet services preventing our staff carrying out a session, we contact you as soon as possible to let you know and do what we can to reduce the delay or reschedule. As long as we do this, we won’t compensate you for the delay, but if the delay is likely to be substantial you can contact our team: to end the contract and receive a refund for any services you have paid for in advance, but not received.

You have a legal right to change your mind

Your legal right to change your mind. For most of our services bought online or by e-mail order you have a legal right to change your mind about your purchase and receive a refund of what you paid for it for 14 days.  This is subject to some conditions, as set out below.  Where you have requested services within the cancellation period, this right may be lost.

When you can’t change your mind. You can’t change your mind about an order for:

  • One to one sessions: less than 48 hours before the session commences
  • Group Sessions: less than 48 hours before the session commences
  • Pre-recorded sessions: after you have started to download or stream these services

The deadline for changing your mind. If you change your mind about a service you are to receive you must let us know no later than 14 days after the day we confirm we have accepted your order.

How to let us know. To let us know you want to change your mind, please refer to the Cancellation Instructions here: 

You have to pay for services you received before you change your mind. If you bought a service we don’t refund you for the time you were receiving it before you told us you’d changed your mind.  Due to the costs we incur, we will charge the full costs of services to be received if cancelled in the time periods set out above and you will not receive a refund.

When and how we refund you. If your product is a service, digital content or goods that haven’t been delivered, we refund you as soon as possible and within 14 days of you telling us you’ve changed your mind.

Summary of your key legal rights

If your product is services, for example online training sessions or training in person, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 says:

  • You can ask us to repeat or fix a service if it’s not carried out with reasonable care and skill, or get some money back if we can’t fix it.
  • If a price hasn’t been agreed upfront, what you’re asked to pay must be reasonable.
  • If a time hasn’t been agreed upfront, it must be carried out within a reasonable time.

We can change products and these terms

Changes we can always make. We can always change a product or service:

  • to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements;
  • to update digital content, provided that the digital content always matches the description of it that we provided to you before you bought it.

We can suspend supply (and you have rights if we do)

We can suspend the supply of a service. We do this to:

  • deal with technical problems or make minor technical changes;
  • update the product or services to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; or
  • make changes to the services

We can withdraw products

We can stop providing a product, such as an ongoing service or a subscription for digital content or goods. We let you know at least 14 days in advance and we refund any sums you’ve paid in advance for products which won’t be provided.

We can end our contract with you

We can end our contract with you for a product and claim any compensation due to us if:

  • you don’t make any payment to us when it’s due;
  • you don’t, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information, cooperation or access that we need to provide the services.

We don’t compensate you for all losses caused by us or our products

We’re responsible for losses you suffer caused by us breaking this contract unless the loss is:

  • Unexpected. It was not obvious that it would happen and nothing you said to us before we accepted your order meant we should have expected it (so, in the law, the loss was unforeseeable).
  • Caused by a delaying event outside our control.
  • Avoidable. Something you could have avoided by taking reasonable action. For example, damage to your own digital content or device, which was caused by digital content we supplied and which you could have avoided by following our advice to apply a free update or by correctly following the installation instructions or having the minimum system requirements advised by us.

We use your personal data as set out in our Privacy Notice

How we use any personal data you give us is set out in our Privacy Notice

You have several options for resolving disputes with us:

Our Complaints Policy. Both we and you should use our best endeavours to resolve, by negotiation, any dispute arising out of, or relating to, this Service Agreement as speedily as possible.

When resolution cannot be agreed at this stage between the Parties, it will then be necessary to follow the steps set out in KIDS’ Feedback and Complaints Policy (as amended from time to time) at

Resolving disputes without going to court. Alternative Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’) is an optional process where an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, without you having to go to court. If we are unable to resolve your complaint via our Complaints Policy, ADR bodies exist which are competent to deal with complaints about professional services should both you and our firm wish to use such a scheme. Our default position however is that we have chosen not to adopt an ADR process as part of our Complaints Policy.

You can go to court. These terms are governed by English law and wherever you live you can bring claims against us in the English courts. If you live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can also bring claims against us in the courts of the country you live in. We can claim against you in the courts of the country you live in.

Other important terms apply to our contract

We can transfer our contract with you, so that a different organisation is responsible for supplying your product. We’ll tell you in writing if this happens and we’ll ensure that the transfer won’t affect your rights under the contract.

You can only transfer your contract with us to someone else if we agree to this. We may not agree.

Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. Nobody else can enforce it and neither of us will need to ask anybody else to sign-off on ending or changing it.

If a court invalidates some of this contract, the rest of it will still apply. If a court or other authority decides that some of these terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.

Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. We might not immediately chase you for not doing something (like paying) or for doing something you’re not allowed to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it later.

Help with behaviour or sleep

Behaviour and/or sleep challenges can have a huge detrimental impact on the quality of life for all the family.  Our Specialists are on hand to give you advice and support on understanding these behaviours and developing ways to manage them specific to your situation.  We will also provide the emotional support you might need to help you through a difficult time. 

Call, text our email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can provide information on pricing and arrange an appointment with one of our Specialists.

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to provide you with free advice and support? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (

Getting an EHCP for my child

The EHCP process can be a daunting experience for parents and carers but you are not alone! We can support you every step of the way, from identifying eligibility, talking you through processes, assisting with applications, supporting you to engage with professionals and if necessary, through appeals. We can also help at Reviews once EHCPs are in place.

Call, text our email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can provide information on pricing and arrange an appointment with one of our Specialists.

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to provide you with free advice and support? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (

Every LA also provides a free service known as SENDIASS, (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service).  Find out more information about your local SENDIAS service and other helpful resources here:

Nursery or school can't meet my child's needs

Facing challenges with your child’s existing provision can be upsetting; we are here to provide emotional and practical support to help you understand your options and work through to a solution that offer the best outcomes for you, your child and your family.

Call, text our email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can provide information on pricing and arrange an appointment with one of our Specialists.

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to provide you with free advice and support? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (

Every LA also provides a free service known as SENDIASS, (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service).  Find out more information about your local SENDIAS service and other helpful resources here:

Getting an assessment

Finding the right professionals to engage with can often be the first hurdle.. We can support you by identifying who you should approach and helping you do it. We can then support you through the assessment process and what is often proceeded by a lengthy wait got assessment, with practical help as well as helping you find local resources that might be appropriate for you and your family.

Call, text our email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can provide information on pricing and arrange an appointment with one of our Specialists.

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to provide you with free advice and support? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (

Every LA also provides a free service known as SENDIASS, (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service).  Find out more information about your local SENDIAS service and other helpful resources here:

Applying for short breaks

Everyone who cares for a child needs a beak sometimes.  Being able to find a place our child is happy, safe and well looked-after while we have some time to invest in our own well-being makes us better at caring for them the rest of the time.  This can be really difficult for families of children and young people with SEND, so we are on-hand to help you find and apply for the right solutions for you.

Call, text our email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can provide information on pricing and arrange an appointment with one of our Specialists.

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to provide you with free advice and support? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (

Find a school, nursery or childcare

Finding the right school, nursery or childcare to meet your child’s needs can often feel like a daunting task.  Our Specialists are on hand to help you identify your options, define your child’s needs and determine your preferences.  If required, we can assist you with applications or any other paperwork that may be required in this process.

Call, text our email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can provide information on pricing and arrange an appointment with one of our Specialists.

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to provide you with free advice and support? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (

Every LA also provides a free service known as SENDIASS, (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service).  Find out more information about your local SENDIAS service and other helpful resources here:

Benefits and grants

Depending on your individual circumstances you may be entitled to benefit payments.  Our Family Support Specialists can help you identify which ones may be available to you and if required, provide practical assistance in the application process.

Call, text our email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can provide information on pricing and arrange an appointment with one of our Specialists.

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to provide you with free advice and support? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (

My child has been diagnosed with ASD.

Pre- and post-diagnosis can often be a worrying time for Parents and Carers.  Our Family Support Specialists can provide emotional support, talking through your questions and concerns, helping identify what actions you might need to consider in the short, medium and long-term.  We can help you work through your challenges and support you to tackle each of them in manageable chunks.

Call, text or email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can understand your needs better and work up a bespoke package of support with one of our Specialists.  We’ll provide you with a no-obligation quote for that support for you to consider after the free consultation… no pressure!

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to provide you with free advice and support? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (

I feel isolated

Caring for a child or young person with SEND can often feel like a lonely experience.  Support groups and services aren’t for everyone for lots of different reasons, but being able to talk to someone who understands the journey we are on can alleviate a sense of isolation.

Call, text or email us to arrange an initial free consultation so we can understand your needs better and work up a bespoke package of support with one of our Specialists.  We’ll provide you with a no-obligation quote for that support for you to consider after the free consultation… no pressure!

Did you know your Local Authority (LA) provides information on what SEND services are available in your region, many of which will be able to offer you way to combat a sense of isolation? Look for your LA here and search for ‘Local Offer’. Find your local council – GOV.UK (